Cape Town
Internship FAQs

Why should I pick the VACorps program over other internship providers in South Africa?
GoAbroad.com rated VACorps as the Top Rated Provider in 2023 and GoOverseas.com awarded VACorps with three Community Choice Awards in 2023 (Categories: Support, Housing, and fun). Our amazing alumni are busy forging successful careers throughout the world thanks to their internship experiences in South Africa with VACorps. So yes, there are more than a few reasons you should consider our program if Cape Town is your top choice destination for an internship!
How much does the VACorps program cost?
What happens when I arrive in Cape Town?
This video explains what to expect during your orientation week.
Why are all VACorps internships unpaid placements?
On the upside, internship sites that are hosting you on an unpaid/voluntary basis are more likely to give you a meaningful internship role because they are not motivated to receive maximum “value” in exchange for monetary compensation. Paid internships often involve menial tasks and administrative responsibilities whereas the internships we create for our participants will deliver a far more meaningful and immersive professional experience.
Why is housing not included in the program cost?
To learn more about program accommodation and the latest daily rates, please visit our accommodation page.
Can I gain credit hours for this internship?
What is the VACorps African Union Scholarship?
Because VACorps is a proudly South African company that aspires to promote greater pan-African participation in our program, we offer a special $1,000 AU scholarship discount to anyone who can prove citizenship and currently resides in a country within the African Union.
Do I need a visa to enter South Africa?
Where will I live?
Be sure to view our neighborhood tour and program housing videos on our YouTube channel.
What are the recommended arrival dates?
Past participants have noted that some of their best friendships were established during their first few days in Cape Town. Remember that anyone accepted to the VACorps program is adventurous, open-minded, and culturally curious! So the program orientation is an ideal place to connect with fellow program participants and start planning adventures and excursions in Cape Town. If you arrive outside of our Best Arrival Dates, there is a chance you will be the only person attending the orientation and you may not establish friendships as quickly.
Program Session Dates + BEST Arrival Dates for 2024 & 2025
Session 3 (2024) September – December
BEST Session 3 Arrival Dates: September 1st, September 29th, and October 13th.
*Please note that we do not accept program arrivals in December.
Session 1 (2025) January – April
BEST Session 1 Arrival Dates: January 12th, January 26th, and March 2nd.
VACorps Gap Year Program dates: January 5th – March 7th. (Optional trip to Kruger Park from March 7th – March 12th)
Session 2 (2025) May – August
BEST Session 2 Arrival Dates: May 4th, May 18th, June 1st, June 15th, June 29th, and July 13th.
Session 3 (2025) September – December
BEST Session 3 Arrival Dates: August 31st, September 28th, and October 12th.
*Please note that we do not accept program arrivals in December.
I recently graduated from college. Do I have to be enrolled in school to participate in the VACorps program?
Is there an age requirement?
Do you offer internships in cities other than Cape Town?
What is the weather like?
Are there any health concerns?
What does the name, VACorps, mean?
During our naming brainstorm, we looked at the fundamental elements of such an experience and came up with the following:
1) Participants would be volunteering their time at various organizations during their trip.
2) Participants would be signing up for a travel adventure.
3) Participants would be participating in the adventure within the context of a group of fellow travelers.
After bouncing a few of these ideas around, we came up with “Volunteer Adventure Corps” and after a quick search of available website addresses, we registered www.vacorps.com. And in 2006, an internship program was born.
I only speak English. Will this affect my internship experience?
How do I apply to the program?
Do I have to go on the VACorps Social Excursions?
What currency is used in South Africa?
Should I bring my cell phone to South Africa?
Which internship sites are the most competitive?
How much money should I budget for my living expenses during the duration of my internship in Cape Town?
Where can I get more information about Cape Town and the VACorps internship program?
Otherwise, Cape Town Magazine and Lonely Planet are great sources of information, in addition to our Go Abroad listing which showcases the program with alumni and staff interviews as well.
Is there high-speed internet in South Africa?
Will I be safe in South Africa?
Is Cape Town close to Big 5 safaris?
Do I need any shots or medical check-ups before I come to South Africa?
Can I do two internships?
Will I get reference letters from my internship site?
Can you offer a breakdown of my VACorps program tuition?
VACorps program tuition is distributed in such a way to ensure that you have a quality program experience in Cape Town. The following chart offers a breakdown of how your tuition is allocated:
- Staff Salaries – 29%
- Supporting Operations – 21%
- Outreach & Program Media – 14%
- Facility Costs – 7%
- Insurance & Compliance – 6%
- Program Development -5%
- General Transportation – 5%
- Program Activities – 3%
- University Partnerships – 3%
- Adminstrative Costs – 3%
- Charitable Giving – 2%