VACorps Admission Requirements

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VACorps Admission Requirements

  1. Health and Wellness: Participants are required to be in good physical and mental health. We strongly recommend all applicants to undergo a general health check-up before their arrival.
  2. Work Commitment: Participants must meet the work requirements of their host organization, typically involving 4-5 days per week and 6-8 hours per day throughout their placement.
  3. Work Ethic: Participants are expected to take their host organization’s work requirements seriously and apply themselves to the best of their abilities in fulfilling their assigned tasks.
  4. Language Proficiency: At a minimum, participants should possess basic proficiency in the English language.
  5. Voluntary Participation: Participation in the VACorps Program is voluntary. We are unable to accommodate adjudicated or court-mandated applicants.
  6. Medication Management: Participants who take prescription medications must be capable of self-medicating without assistance from VACorps staff while maintaining proper dosage.
  7. Age Requirement: Applicants for the VACorps Program must be 18 years or older at the time of their planned arrival date in South Africa.
  8. Open-mindedness and Adaptability: We encourage participants to be open-minded, resilient, and confident in their ability to adapt to a different culture in a new country, recognizing that their home might feel distant at times.
  9. Independence and Initiative: Participants in the VACorps Program enjoy a significant degree of personal independence and should be comfortable with self-direction, demonstrating the ability to take initiative in the absence of direct supervision.
  10. Respect for Diversity: Participants are expected to be respectful and tolerant of a diverse range of beliefs and backgrounds, including religious, political, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, and gender identity.