Carson Honor
Carson is studying Anthropology, English, and Cinema Studies at Colby College. He joined the VAC Program in February 2024 and participated in a video and photography internship at a communications agency.
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From my very first day and night in Cape Town, I felt a deep sense of nostalgia. Whether gazing out of my bedroom window, strolling the streets of Obs, or absorbing the air, water, and mountains, it felt as though I had been here before. This sensation was both confusing and comforting. Even before meeting the people who would become my friends and family, I felt a strong sense of belonging.
This feeling was only reinforced during orientation and throughout the following three months. As I explored the city on tours and rode the red bus, I felt my life unfolding and expanding in ways I had never experienced before. I was introduced to new sights, sounds, thoughts, and emotions—nearly overwhelming, yet empowering as I saw myself growing more capable.
I worked at a communications agency focused on partnering with brands that drive positive change. The environment was incredibly welcoming, inclusive, and spiritually enriching, with a team dedicated to improving the lives of others. Although the hours were manageable, the impact was profound. The office was small and intimate, providing a comforting, homey atmosphere.
Lucky opportunities allowed me to travel and meet fascinating people across Cape Town and South Africa. For instance, I accompanied my boss to George for a two-day shoot in February, which offered a chance to explore the countryside and broaden my perspective on both South Africa and myself. I also completed a short documentary about gardening in the townships, which is a valuable addition to my filmmaking portfolio and a key marketing tool for Life Brand and the client.
As I continued to embrace new activities, experiences, and people, I immersed myself fully in every moment. Now, three months later, I am not the same person I was when I arrived, but only because of my time here. The coincidences and experiences make me wonder if this was all chance or fate. I am profoundly grateful for this place, these people, and this experience.