Jovan Dieckmann
Hessen, Germany

Jovan is studying for a bachelor’s in psychology at Philips Universität Marburg.  He joined the VACorps program in January 2022 and participated in a clinical psychology internship. 

“When I first decided to go to Cape Town I did so mostly because I wanted to do an internship for my university and I was tired of the cold winter in Europe. But Cape Town has so much more to offer than just amazing weather and diverse and interesting internship sites. Interning here for three months was an incredible and life-altering experience. It stretched from swimming in the ocean and going on a variety of hikes to going to nice restaurants and exploring the multicultural and beautiful city. And there is a seemingly endless amount of things one could do. Even after all my time here, there are still some things on my bucket list that I did not get to do – even though I feel like I worked on finishing them very diligently. Doing an internship with VACorps was also giving me the opportunity to meet many like-minded people from all over the world and from a variety of different fields. Overall it was an experience I am very pleased about and would not want to miss.”

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Meet our most recent VACorps program alumni:

Chris Doe, Massachussets, USA (2023)

Chris joined the VACorps program in January 2023 as part of his Gap year and participated in a human rights internship.  I decided to come to Cape Town to do an internship because I […]

Nico Theunissen, New York, USA (2023)

Nico joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 as part of his Gap year and participated in an internship at a clean energy engineering company.  “Living in New York City, coming to Cape Town […]

Derya Tunçaral, Istanbul, Turkey (2023)

Derya is a recent graduate of Istanbul Bilgi University where he earned his bachelor’s in International Relations. He joined the VACorps program in November 2022 and participated in a political science internship.  “It was […]

Isabelle Ryan, Illinois, USA (2023)

Isabelle joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 as part of her Gap year and participated in a business internship.  “Originally, I was nervous about coming to Cape Town. I had never been so […]

Alize Serez, Istanbul, Turkey, (2023)

Aliza has recently earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Istanbul Bilgi University.  She joined the VACorps Program in September 2022 and participated in a Political Science Internship.  “The reason I chose Cape […]

Carley Adams, Ontario, Canada, (2023)

Carley is a recent MSc graduate of the University of Edinburgh, specializing in Medical Anthropology. She joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 and participated in a public health internship.  “Cape Town is such […]

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