Caroline Parker
Colorado, USA

“My stay in Cape Town has been an incredible adventure and one which I could not have coordinated without the help of VAC. I am so grateful for the excursions, the friendships, and especially the internship at the WHEAT Trust that VAC facilitated for me.  My time here has been all-around exceptional–exciting, reflective, and intellectually invigorating.  I look forward to incorporating my experiences here into my studies and to one day returning to this beautiful, diverse, and fascinating country.

“The best part of the “program” is that  it can be as big or as small a part of your time in South Africa as you like it to be. When I first arrived, the people at VAC helped me feel comfortable and safe in the city, and after that they gave me the resources to explore on my own. The staff are knowledgeable and supportive and they set you up with everything you need to live and work independently. I am so grateful for a summer that has forever changed the way I see the world.” 

-Caroline Parker, pictured at left during a 4th of July party in Cape Town.