“My time in Cape Town has impacted me. I can feel it. The change may not be so noticeable to me or anyone else now, but I know it will affect my decisions and who I am in the future. I never thought I could go through so much in three months. The people I met and the experiences I had will be cherished for the rest of my life. To be honest, I miss it. I had the best summer of my life in South Africa. Grateful does not begin to describe how happy I am that I got the opportunity to go on this amazing trip. If anything, visiting South Africa made me want to explore and discover every corner of the world. And once I do that, I know Cape Town and I will meet again. Making the decision to take this trip was a great one. It’s been whirlwind of non-stop activities and experiences that I will never forget over the last three months. To VAC interns in Cape Town now: Take it all in, seize every opportunity you can, don’t blink, and write it all down.”