Emily Nelson
Minnesota, USA

Emily joined the VACorps Program in January 2019 and participated in an Social Work Internship. She had this to say about her experience:

“Living in Cape Town for 3 months was the best decision of my life! Every day I learned something new about South Africa and discovered something new about myself. What I love most about Cape Town are all the beautiful views and fun activities it has. From hiking to eating, to shark cage diving, I was never bored. I loved walking out of my home to see the beautiful mountains that I conquered the previous weekend. I interned at St. Michael’s Child and Youth Care Center, where I worked with twenty-five teenage girls who are taken out of their homes for adverse reasons. I learned how easy it is to forget to be grateful for everyday things. I also learned that no matter how much empathy I show, I will never understand what one has gone through. I highly recommend VaCorps because they were always there when I needed something. They provide an excellent orientation to introduce you to areas of Cape town that you need to know. VaCorps provides amazing Friday activities, where I met all of my friends here in Cape Town. The activities allowed me to take a Friday off and go explore Cape Town with my friends. I’m most grateful for the staff at VACorps because they truly care about you and your experience in Cape Town.”

View Social Work Internships

Meet past participants:

Laura Balan, Tennessee, USA (2022)

Laura recently earned a BA in Social Work at Belmont University. She joined the VACorps Program in July 2022 and participated in a social work internship at an NGO based in one of Cape […]

Hannah Choe, New Jersey, USA (2022)

Hannah joined the VACorps Program in January 2022 as part of her GAP year and participated in an education internship at a local school. “I chose Cape Town to be my home for three […]

Scott Beames, California, USA (2022)

Scott joined the VACorps Program in March 2022 as part of his GAP year and participated in an education internship at a local school.  “I chose to come to Cape Town because of the […]

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