Well, I have to admit sitting down to write a reflection of the last three months seems extremely daunting. How can I possibly express in words what my time in Cape Town has meant for me on a personal level? Between an internship that has reshaped my views on public health, reaffirmed my passion for medicine, and ignited a passion for global health; a group of interns that have become fellow travel/adventure enthusiasts as well as life long friends; and a city that has surpassed my wildest dreams as far as beauty, culture, and experience go, I can truly say that my experience in Cape Town has changed my life significantly. The past three months spent conquering fears and realizing dreams have changed me in a way that I did not imagine possible. It seems trite to say, but I guess there is a reason that people say it all the time: I came into this experience hoping to learn about Cape Town and its culture (which I have), but I have come out of the experience having been taught about myself and the person I wish to be. Cape Town, Heideveld (my internship site), and the friends I have made here will hold a special place in my heart. Cape Town has put its mark on me and I have Volunteer Adventure Corps to thank for that.
Erin Berni
Louisiana, USA
CAPE TOWN. I will be back. I have unfinished business with you.