Rebecca MacMillan — Kirksville
Missouri , USA

“I chose Cape Town because I knew it had culture and history that I wanted to get to know. I have always been interested in Africa so I took the opportunity and went with it. For my internship I knew I wanted to do something involving the community and Cape Town has so many wonderful organizations focused on helping the community and I was really drawn to that. My internship was at an NGO that teaches underprivileged children to read. One of my favorite moments was getting to go to a primary school and see an interactive reading lesson be taught to the kids. I will never forget going to the primary schools and the excitement on the kids faces. Specifically ,this one kid who wanted to become an astronaut said he wanted to learn to read just so he could teach his little brother. I learned that I definitely do not want a desk job, but it has also taught me how to handle family businesses/organizations, how to handle disruptive behavior in a positive and manageable way.

“I personally have grown in independence and my ability to get work done. I have loved getting to explore new foods and all the different experience in Cape Town. I am glad I stayed for 8 weeks but I wish I had more time though, but at the same time I am ready to go home. It is many mixed emotions. I would recommend VACorps because the staff are very nice, welcoming and helpful. They also provide amazing trips. VACorps is good with placements and fitting people with organizations.”

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Meet past participants:

Hannah Choe, New Jersey, USA (2022)

Hannah joined the VACorps Program in January 2022 as part of her GAP year and participated in an education internship at a local school. “I chose Cape Town to be my home for three […]

Scott Beames, California, USA (2022)

Scott joined the VACorps Program in March 2022 as part of his GAP year and participated in an education internship at a local school.  “I chose to come to Cape Town because of the […]

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