“No one could have ever prepared me for this amazing experience abroad. When I left Canada I was incredibly nervous to step off a plane all alone in South Africa. But within 2 minutes of being in Cape Town I knew this was the right choice for me. Upon landing it took about 2 hours realize that I was no longer in Canada. It took 2 days to settle into my new home and start meeting the friends that I would create unforgettable memories with. It took 2 weeks to get comfortable at my internship site and know my way around places. And it took 2 months living and interning in Cape Town to realize that I never wanted to leave. The people I have met and the opportunities thrown my way have been so unreal. I feel like I’ve been living a dream for the past 8 weeks and I don’t want anyone to wake me up. The wonderful members of VAC have made me feel so at home and I am so grateful for all of their help, support and friendship. My internship at BigSky Productions has been phenomenal. I have had the chance to get involved in all aspects of film production. I’ve put myself out there and shown that I am capable of working very well in this tough industry. I have met people and have created lasting relationships and I know that when I return to South Africa in the future I’ll be able to call this place home once more.”