Thomas Chardon
France, Europe
How could I describe such an incredible experience in a few words?
My five months internship turned out being an amazing opportunity, through which I learned a lot – not only professionally, but also about myself. Having to deal with deadlines and get your work done in a country that is shaped with “Africa Time” was (although sometimes a real pain) wonderfully rewarding. But let’s face it, being is Cape Town isn’t only about the internship, it is an adventure. Travelling throughout southern Africa was incredible and always breathtaking, be it by being able to see Table Mountain on a daily basis, wander through the Namibian desert for a weekend or go sea-kayaking from an empty beach in Mozambique. Simply imagine being high-fived by a sea turtle as you scuba dive and you will get the picture of how Cape Town through VAC can turn a few months internship into a real life experience you will never forget.