William Monkarsh

California, USA


Will joined the VACorps Program in January 2023, as part of his GAP year, and participated in an internship at an eco-tourism company in Cape Town. 

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“My experience with VAC has definitely been life-changing. Through my internship, I learned so much about the eco-tourism industry as well as how the workspace in another county operates. I love the work environment that Cape Town offers. VAC has been so helpful to my experience by always providing help when needed as well as endless activity suggestions. The weekly activities were very well planned and helped me to explore areas that would have been difficult otherwise. Through this experience, I have learned how to look after and care for myself. I have pushed myself to accomplish some incredible things here in Cape Town. Living in Cape Town has increased my desire for adventure, as well as shown me how to live a well-rounded life. Cape Town has been one massive playground and there is so much I want to explore. The biggest thing I will take away here is how to interact with others from very different backgrounds. I have gained a much bigger global perspective and hope to keep exploring. I will miss looking up wherever you are and being able to see Table Mountain and/or the ocean.”