It is incredibly difficult to write this last day testimonial, since it’s hard to believe my time has come to an end in Cape Town. Arriving to Obs, I was uncertain of what to expect and how my time here would change my life, both in the present and for my future. From what I have seen though, I can confidently say I have made lifelong friends from places all over the world and formed lasting relationships that will keep Cape Town with me wherever I go. I would like to thank the staff of Volunteer Adventure Corps for all of their amazing support, guidance, and leadership throughout my stay- it truly would not have been such an incredible experience without VAC and all its members. Vanessa, you deserve more thanks than I can express for everything that you do for us interns. I remember you saying how you connect personally with each one of us, and I can only say the same back- you have been like a sister. There have been so many memories made throughout the past two months and each one has changed me in its own way. I will forever remember the moment I jumped off of the highest bungee bridge in the world while listening to remixes of “I will follow” (the anthem to South Africa) or the time when I came face-to-face with a great white shark off of the shores of Gansbaai. Or the time I reached the top of Table Mountain for the first time after the most challenging hike of my life. Or the time I got a tattoo (sorry mom) on Long Street to commemorate memories made. But most special though were the moments I connected with the patients of Retreat Clinic and saw first-hand the inner workings of a healthcare unit of a mixed township. This not only changed myself, but my future career plans indefinitely. I have no doubt in my mind that I will be back soon since Cape Town has most certainly become a home away from home. I look forward to the future and this is not a goodbye, but a see you later CT. With all my love, Alyssa