Corrie participated in the VACorps Cape Town human rights internship program in 2018. “I chose to come to Cape Town because it’s in a country that’s always fascinated me, and I thought it would be the perfect place to do a human rights internship. I learned so much here, not just academically speaking, but I also learned so much about the culture and about myself. Overall I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that I am so much more capable than I thought I was. I’ve gained so much confidence in my own abilities and learned more about my own potential in life. I’ve been in Cape Town for 10 weeks, and I think the best advice I could give a future intern would be to come here with an open mind and be prepared for experiences you never thought you would have. Say yes to things you wouldn’t necessarily ordinarily say yes to, and don’t be afraid to speak to new people. VACorps is so great at looking after us interns, and the weekly VACtivities are a great way to see more of the country and get more out of your stay here.”
Meet past participants:
Pallavi Bhargava, Maryland, USA (2023)
Pallavi joined the VACorps Program as part of her Gap Year and participated in a human rights internship. “The last 2.5 months in Cape Town have been some of the best of my life! […]
Mya Tosomeen, Queensland, Australia (2023)
Mya is studying towards a bachelor’s degree in Government and International Relations and a Bachelor’s in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Griffith University. She joined the VACorps program in October 2022 and participated in […]
Janna Elhawary, California, USA (2022)
Janna (pictured on the left) is studying for a Double BA in Political Science, Public Affairs at UCLA. She joined to VACorps program in June 2022 and participated in a human rights internship. “I […]