“Ten short weeks ago I boarded a plane in New York to come to South Africa. As I was landing, I looked down below to see these gigantic and stunning mountains. I will never forget the excitement I felt at that moment. I knew right then that this was the place I had always wanted to be. Cape Town is a city like no other. In one weekend you can go shark cage diving (a must), hike up a beautiful mountain, explore the night life in the city, and eat enough food to fill you for a week. There was never a day where I thought, “What should I do?” My bucket list was never ending, nor is it completed now with only one day left. My internship at the Thembalethu school in the Gugulethu township was a huge learning experience for me. The kids I worked with were the most generous and happy individuals I have ever encountered. I find it ironic that I came here to teach them, and they ended up teaching me. I cannot thank Thembalethu, VAC, and my friends enough for making this summer my best one yet!”
-Emily Clarke, pictured at her internship site in Cape Town.