I always knew that I wanted to do an international volunteer internship, but never did I think Cape Town. I thought maybe Thailand, or Nepal, maybe somewhere closer to home like Peru, but when I stumbled upon VAC, I knew this was a tough program to beat. Now after six incredible weeks, I can honestly say that Cape Town is the best location I have visited and I am so thankful that I chose to spend my time here. My internship placement was at Retreat Day Clinic where I was lucky enough to be exposed to things that I had never dreamed of. Rotating through the various wards I got to watch a birth in maternity, learn to dress wounds in dressings and how to take blood in injections, experience a rehabilitation boot camp in physiotherapy, observe people’s daily struggles in the psychiatric ward as well the HIV counselling ward and be exposed to gore in Trauma and the Theatre (Operating Room). All the Staff, especially the doctors, were very welcoming and eager to have me learn all that I could. When I wasn’t at Retreat, I was spending my time doing all that I could around Cape Town with some of the most amazing people. From Shark Cage Diving my first weekend, every day has been packed with some insane activity. There is just so much to do here! I am incredibly sad to be leaving in a short 24 hours but I leave with great memories, new friends, and a second city to call home.
-Giselle Hunt