Sara is in her second year of study towards her B.Sc in Occupational Therapy at University of Hochschule Fresenius in Germany. She joined the VACorps Program in February 2019 and participated in a clinical occupational therapy placement at a state hospital in Cape Town.
“I choose Cape Town, because I always wanted to come to South Africa.I knew, that Occupational therapy is quite developed in South Africa and my expectations became true. I learned a lot during my time in Cape town about my work and about myself. I really appreciated how VAC and my colleges at my internship site welcomed me. It was good to know, that VAC would always support me, when ever needed and I am very grateful for that. Cape Town is a wonderful city to explore and i definitely never felt bored. I enjoyed the weekly activities and tried to join every time. I stayed for 3 months which was a good amount of time for me. I will miss my flatmates at “‘3 Bishop”‘, because I became friends with all of them and we spent a lot of time together.“
Meet our most recent VACorps program alumni:
Olivia Prodin, Michigan, USA (2021)
Olivia is studying engineering and sustainability at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She joined the VACorps Program in June 2021 and participated in a sustainability internship at a local NGO. “Coming to Cape […]
Chase Magnano, Florida, USA (2021)
Chase, pictured on the right, joined the VACorps program in March 2021 as part of his gap year and participated in a sustainability internship at an Urban Farm in Cape Town. Chase will begin […]
Benjamin Malin, San Francisco, USA (2021)
Ben (pictured far left) joined the VACorps program in February 2021 as part of his GAP year and will be studying at Washington University in the fall. He participated in a sustainable development internship […]
Elliot Jones – Texas, USA (2020)
Elliot joined the VACorps Program as part of her gap year in February 2020 and participated in a conservation and tourism internship. “I came to Cape Town about three years ago but didn’t get […]
Lucia Tisker – Oregon, USA (2019)
Lucia is studying biology (pre-vet) at the University of Oregon. She joined the VACorps Program in May 2019 and participated in a Conservation Internship. “I chose Cape Town as the place where I wanted […]
Kevin Keys – Oregon, USA (2018)
Kevin is studying a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University. He joined the VACorps Program in July 2018 and participated in a conservation internship at an environmental education trust. […]