Devang Shah — Vadodara
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

“Where should I start? I had set out on a journey two years back exploring and integrating different kinds of global experiences starting from war zones to premiere business hubs, I had gained a taste of it all. However, Cape Town swept me off my feet. Beginning with alluring vineyards, fantastic weather and bewildering hikes to a nuanced analysis of this young yet progressive nation at the Parliament, was an experience of a lifetime.

“VACorps by its simple nature seems way too humble for the astounding network of placement sites it has in South Africa. They connected me to my internship site, Parliamentary Monitoring Group, which was a one-stop shop to learn everything about South African Legislation and Policy-making in a short period. I got to learn about making formal reports and documenting Parliamentary meetings in a formal yet non-technical manner which can be understandable by the civilians of South Africa. They also let me be a part of a couple of Research projects due to my engineering math skills which was interesting and exciting.

“The weekly activities provided by VACorps gives its interns an opportunity to explore the amazing place that Cape Town is. Despite the fact that I stayed in Cape Town for nearly 12 weeks, I know I did not exhaust the things I could experience there. Also, being the social butterfly that I am, I got to interact with people coming from all the parts of the world who were a part of the VACorps family like I was. In many occasions, the VACorps staff went out of its way to help in times of need starting from waiting at the airport in the middle of the night upon my arrival. They are friendly and warm people who make sure that you don’t feel homesick at all.

“Cape Town is serene yet vibrant. It has something for everyone. All you need to do is submit to it and enjoy your time there while learning at each moment. Cheers!”

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Meet past participants:

Nick Newman, Ohio, USA (2022)

Nick is studying Business Economics and Finance at Ohio University. He joined the VACorps program in May 2022 and participated in a finance internship at a financial advisory firm.   “I chose Cape Town after […]

Drew Marshall, Connecticut, USA (2022)

Drew joined the VACorps program in February 2022 as part of his GAP year, and participated in an internship at a local surfboard manufacturing company. He attends University of Virginia and is majoring in […]

Leyla Theunissen, New York, USA (2021)

Leyla, pictured on the left, joined the VACorps program in 2021 and completed a business internship at an urban farming NGO as part of her GAP Year.  She will begin her studies at the […]

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