Doyle Lang
Michigan, USA

“I chose Cape Town for my internship destination because one of my best friends did a study abroad in Cape Town and loved the city. From my experience, I can say the same thing. I’ve had so much fun in Cape Town and I’ve found the city offers something for everyone. Personally, I loved my internship experience because I got to participate in the clinical experience more than I would have at home in the States. I attained a better understanding of the thought processes of doctors in a community health setting and I connected with the staff very well. I advise future interns to be open to activities, no matter how small, and go to places where you can meet new people because the locals in Cape Town are friendly and open to great conversation.”

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Meet past participants:

Nick Newman, Ohio, USA (2022)

Nick is studying Business Economics and Finance at Ohio University. He joined the VACorps program in May 2022 and participated in a finance internship at a financial advisory firm.   “I chose Cape Town after […]

Drew Marshall, Connecticut, USA (2022)

Drew joined the VACorps program in February 2022 as part of his GAP year, and participated in an internship at a local surfboard manufacturing company. He attends University of Virginia and is majoring in […]

Leyla Theunissen, New York, USA (2021)

Leyla, pictured on the left, joined the VACorps program in 2021 and completed a business internship at an urban farming NGO as part of her GAP Year.  She will begin her studies at the […]

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