Drue Kendall
New Jersey, USA

Drue (pictured second from the left) joined the VACorps program in May 2022 as part of his GAP year and participated in an internship at a primary school for children with disabilities. 

“I chose cape town mostly because it was a place I’ve always wanted to go. The people are friendly and the natural beauty is unbelievable. I absolutely loved my time here. I stayed for 3 months and honestly I wish I could stay longer. It is a very easy place to fall into and live well for long periods of time. If you are staying for a long time one thing you really must do is put yourself out there to make new friends, not just with other travelers but with locals as well. It makes a huge difference having people who aren’t going to come and go. I much prefer Vac’s independent style more than constant handholding. Your days are completely yours, and if you don’t want to ever participate in activities you don’t have to (though I highly recommend it). Just one thing, if coming to cape town for a purpose of seeing a city representative of the continent, don’t be fooled. It in some ways similar but more often than not it is like a European city that just happened to be placed in Africa.”

View GAP Year Internships

Meet our most recent VACorps program alumni:

Chris Doe, Massachussets, USA (2023)

Chris joined the VACorps program in January 2023 as part of his Gap year and participated in a human rights internship.  I decided to come to Cape Town to do an internship because I […]

Nico Theunissen, New York, USA (2023)

Nico joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 as part of his Gap year and participated in an internship at a clean energy engineering company.  “Living in New York City, coming to Cape Town […]

Derya Tunçaral, Istanbul, Turkey (2023)

Derya is a recent graduate of Istanbul Bilgi University where he earned his bachelor’s in International Relations. He joined the VACorps program in November 2022 and participated in a political science internship.  “It was […]

Isabelle Ryan, Illinois, USA (2023)

Isabelle joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 as part of her Gap year and participated in a business internship.  “Originally, I was nervous about coming to Cape Town. I had never been so […]

Alize Serez, Istanbul, Turkey, (2023)

Aliza has recently earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Istanbul Bilgi University.  She joined the VACorps Program in September 2022 and participated in a Political Science Internship.  “The reason I chose Cape […]

Carley Adams, Ontario, Canada, (2023)

Carley is a recent MSc graduate of the University of Edinburgh, specializing in Medical Anthropology. She joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 and participated in a public health internship.  “Cape Town is such […]

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