Madhavi Kuthanur
San Jose, California

Madhavi participated in a Human Rights & Public Health internship in Cape Town, in 2017.

“The main reason I chose to intern in Cape Town is that I wanted to learn about how health systems functioned
in South Africa and the interventions that public health organizations develop to improve the quality of the various health services. I also knew that Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places in the world with a long list of stunning sights to ensure that I would not get bored spending ten weeks in this city. During this time I achieved my primary goal of understanding the structure of health systems in South Africa. I was aware that apartheid had a serious impact on health care access, but the projects I worked on and conversations with my supervisor put this historical information into context.

I also knew that Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places in the world, with a long list of stunning sights to ensure that I would not get bored during my ten weeks in this city. During this time I met my primary goal of understanding the structure of health systems in South Africa. I was aware that apartheid had a serious impact on health care access, but the projects I worked on and conversations I shared with my supervisor put this historical information into context.

It took me a few weeks to adjust to life in Cape Town, therefore, I am grateful that I had well over a month to enjoy my routine, spend time with new friends, and take the lead on more projects at work. I really enjoyed living in Obs and it very quickly felt like my community- I recognized many faces when walking down the street and I enjoyed being a local at certain cafes and shops. Over the duration of my stay in Cape Town I was able to visit all the sights that I wanted to see and go to my favourite places more than once.

My internship in Cape Town enabled me to grow a lot on a personal and professional level. I
feel that I have become more confident in travelling to new places on my own and meeting new people from
different cultures. On a professional level, my internship helped me identify exactly where my interests lie and
gain experience in a field that is relevant to my career.”

View Medical & Public Health Internships


Meet past participants:

Nick Newman, Ohio, USA (2022)

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Drew Marshall, Connecticut, USA (2022)

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Leyla Theunissen, New York, USA (2021)

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