“Choosing to come to Cape Town and complete an internship through VACorps was one of the best decisions I have made throughout my college career. I had high hopes of how this internship would make me grow as a person and when you push yourself outside of your comfort zone it is amazing how much more you grow! Choosing to travel on my own was a huge leap outside of my comfort zone, but I knew that in order to get the experience I wanted in Cape Town, I first had to get there. I completed a physiotherapy internship primarily working with children affected by Cerebral Palsy. This setting is not one that I would have selected for myself but after completing my internship I am so thankful for the experience it gave me! I loved going to work each day and working with the students. The thing that I enjoyed most about my internship were the questions that the students would ask me about myself and about America. Sometimes the questions were challenging to answer, but they always helped me understand how blessed I am to have the opportunities that I do, both in Cape Town and at home. VACorps was a great resource in getting me outside of the United States, helping me book my flights, arrange housing and finding my perfect internship placement. I think that everyone would benefit from an experience with VACorps!”
Meet past participants:
Nick Newman, Ohio, USA (2022)
Nick is studying Business Economics and Finance at Ohio University. He joined the VACorps program in May 2022 and participated in a finance internship at a financial advisory firm. “I chose Cape Town after […]
Drew Marshall, Connecticut, USA (2022)
Drew joined the VACorps program in February 2022 as part of his GAP year, and participated in an internship at a local surfboard manufacturing company. He attends University of Virginia and is majoring in […]
Leyla Theunissen, New York, USA (2021)
Leyla, pictured on the left, joined the VACorps program in 2021 and completed a business internship at an urban farming NGO as part of her GAP Year. She will begin her studies at the […]