Molly is studying her masters in Occupational Therapy at Pacific University. She joined the VACorps program in January 2020 and participated in an OT internship at a children’s hospital in Cape Town.
“I came to South Africa because I wanted an opportunity to learn about occupational therapy in a context outside of the United States to see the similarities and differences of our scope of practice in another culture. I also wanted to learn how to provide care in a setting with different resources than I am used to so I can push myself, grow my skill set, and gain an outside perspective. Plus, South Africa seemed like such a beautiful, diverse country—what a perfect place to learn!
I’ve been interning in the occupational therapy department at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital, primarily in the neurology and neurosurgery wards, providing treatment to children with traumatic brain injuries and other neurologic conditions. I’ve also seen patients in the outpatient (day) clinic ranging from children with severe burns to children with Autism or developmental delays. Working here has really taught me about healthcare in another context and helped me learn how to provide the best care possible while navigating differences in culture, language, or resources. I enjoyed learning about occupational therapy in a cultural context different than what I am used to. I saw a wide variety of conditions and feel like I really developed independence in completing the occupational therapy process from evaluation to intervention to discharge planning.
Outside of work, I have absolutely loved Cape Town! I will never forget all of the beautiful views, wonderful people, and delicious food! I loved all there was to do! I explored so many markets, hikes, beaches, and I feel like I barely scratched the surface! It was always fun to have a weekly outing coordinated by VACorps as well. It was a fun way to see different areas with other interns. VACorps provided excellent support the entire time I was here, and I was amazed at how quickly I felt at home. Two and a half months certainly flew by, and I know that I will be back for more soon!”
Meet our most recent VACorps program alumni:
Chris Doe, Massachussets, USA (2023)
Chris joined the VACorps program in January 2023 as part of his Gap year and participated in a human rights internship. I decided to come to Cape Town to do an internship because I […]
Nico Theunissen, New York, USA (2023)
Nico joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 as part of his Gap year and participated in an internship at a clean energy engineering company. “Living in New York City, coming to Cape Town […]
Derya Tunçaral, Istanbul, Turkey (2023)
Derya is a recent graduate of Istanbul Bilgi University where he earned his bachelor’s in International Relations. He joined the VACorps program in November 2022 and participated in a political science internship. “It was […]
Isabelle Ryan, Illinois, USA (2023)
Isabelle joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 as part of her Gap year and participated in a business internship. “Originally, I was nervous about coming to Cape Town. I had never been so […]
Alize Serez, Istanbul, Turkey, (2023)
Aliza has recently earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Istanbul Bilgi University. She joined the VACorps Program in September 2022 and participated in a Political Science Internship. “The reason I chose Cape […]
Carley Adams, Ontario, Canada, (2023)
Carley is a recent MSc graduate of the University of Edinburgh, specializing in Medical Anthropology. She joined the VACorps Program in January 2023 and participated in a public health internship. “Cape Town is such […]